Sunday, August 9, 2009

A diversified portfolio of dividend paying stocks

Automobile Sector.
It's hard to find an automobile manufacturer that pays a dividend, but the industry isn't all manufacturs. Penske is a diversifiedPensk automobile and transportation industry company, owns retail dealerships, truck leasing operations, parts distribution and other automobile and transportation services.
Penske, PAG, Div yld 1.8%

Exxon-Mobil is a really obvious choice here. Large and stable with a very good dividend yeild.
Exxon-Mobil, XOM, Div yld 2.4%

Business Services
One way to target an investment in small companies is to invest in companies that provide services to small companies. One such example is Paychex who provides payroll and other human resources services
Paychex, PAYX, Div yld 4.5%

It's hard to go wrong with WalMart.
WalMart, WMT, Div yld 2.2%

Espey Mfg. & Electronics Corp. engages in the development, design, production, and sale of electronic power supplies, various transformers and iron-core components, and electronic system components primarily in the United States. They have a toe in the technology sector, but they are not sexy. The dividend yeild is solid -- very high, but solid.
Espey, ESP, Div yld 5.88%


Essex Properties is a high risk REIT, investing primarily in West Coast apartment complexes. West Coast residential real estate isn't exactly a stable market these days. But sometimes a little risk can be a good thing.
Essex Properties, ESS, Div yld 5.48%

Health Care
Pfizer is a large, stable drug company.
Pfizer, PFE, Div Yld 4%

World Wrestling Entertainment produces cheap to produce TV wrestling that provides family entertianment which is cheap and isn't impacted by the price of gasoline.
World Wrestling, WWE, Div yld 6.6%

Some banks are solid and well management no matter what happens in the market. Northern Trust is one such bank.
Northern Trust, Bank, TNTB, 1.8%

One way to take a gamble on the recovery of the California economy is a closed end munie fund of insured California Municipal bonds.
BlackRock California Insured Municipal Income Trust (BCK), Div yld 6.4% (mostly nontaxable)

Basic materials and commodities
You can't get much more basic than an oil and gas trust.
Sabine royalty trust, SBR, div yld 6%

United Parcel Service, UPS, Div yld 3.33%

Nicor is a utility company in the Chicago area that is diversified into some transportation industries.
Nicor, GAS, 5.1%

Food and agriculture
Monsanto is one of the biggest players in agriculture
Monsanto, MON, Div yld 1.3%

Consumer products
Proctor and Gamble is still going strong in consumer products
Proctor&Gamble, PG, Div Yld 3.4%

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